Digital Transformation For Industry






10-11 a.m. GMT+2




Online, more information after registration

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Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence Solutions for increasing manufacturing companies’ productivity, production quality and energy efficiency looks suspicious? In fact, such tools are already being implemented at Lithuania Industry sector. Results create great benefits and competitive advantage. Lithuanian technology development and consulting company Energy Advice together with Latvia’s consulting company Ltd. energi organizing the event about digital transformation benefits for manufacturing companies.

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Make data do more!

One of nowadays challenges is to find the right tools to empower collected data to make efficient decisions. How to collect and connect the main technological processes data and efficiently evaluate and control production process, energy sources, engineering systems?

Use cases

Digital Twin of Drying system allows to reduce drying process costs by continuous system tracking and optimal control. EA-SAS Drying calculate optimal dryer controller setpoints, control of supply air flow rate and temperature also as recirculation, estimate of process status, track of system KPIs.

Digital Twin of Manufacturing process allows to track and control manufacturing process in real time, optimize manufacturing process parameters, increase productivity, product quality, increase energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions.

Digital Twin of Refrigeration system allows to track parameters, automatically calculates COP, and notify about its change. One stage, two stage Refrigeration system are analyzed in real time. Optimum condensing and evaporation temperature and pressure, also as compressor loading are recommend each 5 minutes. Refrigeration energy demand is calculated and defrosting requirement is indicated.

Digital Twin of Biomass Boiler analyses boilers efficiency and ensures efficient control by using real-time data. Operators get optimal control Set Point for efficient boiler control. Responsible personnel get reports of boiler control quality at different shifts, biomass consumption, amount of produced thermal energy/steam, energy cost, etc.

Join us at the webinar and discuss how good digitalization practice could be implemented in Latvia’s companies!

Digital Transformation examples will be presented by Energy Advice CEO Ph.D. Vytautas Šiožinys.

For the last five years Vytautas is focused on developing real time Digital Twin Technology to increase technological and energy efficiency. He is in charge of the strategic direction while developing innovative EA-SAS  Digital Twin platform.

Date: 2022 January 27th, 10 a.m.
Duration: 30 min. – presentation, 30 min. – discussion
Place: Online, more information after registration
Registration: by e-mail:
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Digital Transformation For Industry


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Digital Transformation For Industry


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