On January 23rd, Energy Advice team organized an event in Warsaw. At this event we have discussed about innovative district heating management solutions with district heating specialists and enthusiasts from Poland! Our main presented ideas:
✔️ Precise hourly forecast allows to manage the district heating network in the most efficient way: automatic submission of thermal power generation tasks to boiler plant. Tasks consists of temperature control, fluid mass flow, pressure and variable frequency drives control variables.
✔️Human factor is eliminated from the generation and supply planning phase, it helps to reduce network maintenance costs and control the network according to best calculated regime for every hour. Network digitalization leads to comprehensive and easy to update technical documentation.
✔️Optimal District Heating Network Control allows to reduce energy loss by more than 10 %.
We are pleased to present IT solutions and get to know more about problems that companies are facing today. Thank you all for your interest in energy efficient solutions!