Date: 17th-18th of October 2019.
Location: Riga, Latvia, more information you will get after registration.
Register until: 7th of October.
Price: 449 Eur. Second person from the same company gets a 50% discount.
The seminar with workshop is dedicated to design, commissioning and maintenances engineer who are in charge of power system protection. The low and medium voltage electrical network protection settings calculation and coordination examples would be solved during the workshop. The theoretical part of the seminar would describe the protection coordination principles. The participants would increase efficiency of daily activities through the gain of engineering knowledge.
To attend this seminar, the participant should have knowledge on short-circuit calculation and work experience for at least 3 years.
Theoretical part:
- Low and medium voltage fuse operation principle and characteristics;
- Miniature circuit breaker characteristics;
- Different vendors Moulded Case Circuit Breakers operation and characteristics;
- Medium voltage numerical relay operational principles;
- Overcurrent protection with definite time and inverse time characteristics;
- Low and Medium voltage network overcurrent protection coordination principles;
- Voltage protection coordination principles;
- Overcurrent protection coordination with Fuse.
- Example on 0.4kV network overcurrent protection coordination with fuse, MCB and MCCB;
- Example on medium voltage network overcurrent protection coordination with inverse time characteristics;
- Example on protection coordination including elements as power transformer, overhead line, cable line.
*EA-PSM Electric software is used during training for practical tasks and educational purposes
Participants will learn:
- Calculate overcurrent protection settings for MCB, MCCB, and numerical relay;
- Coordinate protections including Fuse’s, MCB, MCCB and inverse time characteristics;
- Calculate voltage protections settings;
- Coordinate voltage protections in the network;
- Coordinate protection evolving equipment short-circuit capacity.
- Two day trainings;
- Morning snack, tea, coffee;
- Printed training material;
- Possibility to ask questions in advance and get personal answers from lecturer;
- Small group.
During this workshop participant will solve real cases with the software EA-PSM Electric.
Every participant should bring his PC. Software will be installed in your computer.